College Loan (Thinking About the College Loan)
Once you have passed the research stage, you should start thinking about how you will go about applying for the college loan programs of your choice. In the case of federal loans, you should find out whether you will apply for need based loans according o your income level or non-need based loans. If your income level is above or below a certain level, that decision will be made for you, but you should be aware of the differences. Need based loans are usually subsidized which means that while you are enrolled in yor program, the loans will not gain interest that you have to pay back later. In non-need based loans that interest gathers from the moment the loan is disbursed until the final payment is made on it some 15 years later. These loans are applied to through the Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA) online or on paper.
In the case of private loans, you will have to decide what financial institution you will borrow from by researching their requirements to see if your family meets them. You may have to have a certain level of credit, grade point average and even income level to qualify. You will likely have to have a cosigner for your loan to get a low interest rate and a good deal.
You should always take your time to research and apply for your college loan programs. These loans will be with you for a very long time so you should be sure that the loan you get offers you the best deal possible. The earlier you start searching for your college loan, the more likely you are to get a great deal. With a secure financial base, you can look toward college with confidence and work toward your goal of a degree without worrying for a moment that you will not be able to continue due to financial difficulty.